Denhart Society
The Henry Denhart Society recognizes individuals who provide for the College through estate plans and a variety of planned gifts. These charitable contributions help ensure the strength and quality of Carthage for generations to come. Membership is lifetime.
This society is named in honor of Henry Denhart, a longtime Carthage Trustee who is remembered as one of the largest single benefactors in Carthage College’s history. He passed away on November 2, 1933, at the age of 91, leaving a legacy of commitment and loyalty that remains an inspiration for succeeding generations.
To learn more about how to maximize your philanthropic impact for students and faculty at Carthage today and for generations to come through annual current-use, planned, or endowed gifts, contact the Office of Advancement at 262-551-5700.
- Richard Britton
- Leonard Klappauf
- Oralee McNamara
- Ruth Mandelbaum ’50
- Frederick Marks ’48
- Linda Miritz
- Connie Parli ’70
- Carol Reinholtz ’60
- Robert Smick ’50
- Jack Spencer ’72
- Ann Tindall ’62
- Ronald Atkins ’72
- Robert Cornog
- Kim Efird ’71
- Grace Kolakowski
- Norma J. (Hellmann) Kraemer ’71
- Audrey Mayer ’65
- Karen Rasmussen ’79
- Daniel G. Sorensen ’85
- Vicki Grant ’74
- William and Julia Abt
- Kay ’78 and Edward Adamski
- Karen Affeldt ’77
- Audrey Allen ’59
- Dorothy Anderson ’51
- Irma Anderson ’48
- John ’70 and Dianne Anderson
- Patrick ’85 and Kimberly Anderson
- Tamra Andrews ’75
- Leon ’58 and Betty Armagost ’59
- Roger ’63 and Marjorie Asplund ’63
- Roger Bain ’70
- James Barsch ’69
- Linda Bauschke ’70
- Eunice Becker ’72
- Kenneth Becker
- Harry and Audrey Behrens
- Jeffrey Behrmann ’77
- Khristine Beilfuss ’75
- Carole Bekken ’85
- Deloris (Laurie) Belter
- Kim Benefiel ’96
- Thomas Benson
- David and Kathleen ’84 Berg
- Fred ’62 and Susan Bess ’64
- John Biancalana ’78
- Timothy ’80 and Susan Bishop
- Glen ’59 and Jean Bitter ’62
- Mary ’73 and Bruce Bitzan
- Dorathy Bobzin ’66
- Kenneth ’70 and Marianne Boehne ’71
- Elsie Boese
- Carl ’72 and Jane ’70 Breitlow
- Sandra Britton ’63
- Wayne ’69 and Joan Brooks
- David and Lyn Brunn
- Neal ’63 and Tiina Buckaloo ’62
- Darlene Bueker ’58
- Carol Bruss ’51
- Wendell ’59 and Melinda Byram ’61
- Gregory and Barbara Campbell
- Deborah Carls ’72
- Phyllis Carlson
- Richard ’66 and Mary Carnes
- Mary Catron ’62
- Steven and Cindy Chapman
- George ’77 and Toni Chardukian
- Susan ’71 and Frank Chesen
- Richard and Patricia Christman
- Rose (Poletto) Clancy ’66
- Helen Clausen
- Steven ’74 and Robin Clawson
- Elizabeth Cohn ’62
- Kathleen ’96 (Whiston) and Robert Colbert
- Lorilyn Colleran ’90
- John ’69 and Judy Cooley ’70
- Virginia ’74 and Robert Cornog
- Doris Craig
- Mary Cramer ’75
- Sieglinde Daack
- Barbara Dale ’75
- Dennis Day ’69 and Renee Raddatz-Day
- Valentina ’74 and Lee Dayne
- Sharon Decker
- Caryl Dierksen ’69
- Cynthia Dingwall ’72
- Clayton ’59 and Shirley Diskerud ’59
- Robert and Lois Dittus
- Richard ’59 and Judith Dokmo ’61
- Kenneth ’62 and Maureen Drum
- Christopher M. Duffy ’04
- Ingrid Dumke
- David Echelbarger ’75 and Christine Thomas-Echelbarger
- James Eckdahl ’67
- Doris ’55 and David Ehlert
- Gerald ’56 and Miriam Eisele
- Donald Eken ’65
- Bernice Ellis ’58
- David ’72 and Sheila Endres ’72
- Bonnie Engel ’68
- Lois Ennes ’51
- Mary (Penny) Enroth
- Karen Evans ’78
- Linda Even ’78 and Scott Kania
- Anita Faraone
- Joyce Fahrenholtz ’58
- John ’75 and Helga Fairgrieve
- Anita Faraone
- Douglas Farr ’70
- Anne Felton
- Kay Freyer ’59
- Judith ’61 and John Fritsch
- Susan Fulrath ’62
- Warren ’62 and Carol Gammeter
- Cynthia ’71 and Wesley Geib
- Ronald ’61 and Jane Geison ’61
- Earlene ’77 Girman
- Joleen Gleasman ’59
- John Gorton ’66
- Elsie ’70 and William Goulding
- Karen Graham
- Joanne Greathouse ’71
- Cornelia Green ’59
- Ted ’70 and Cheri Greenlee
- Edna Gross ’38
- R.W. Groth
- William and Blanche Gunderson
- Robert Haasch ’66
- Linda Hagemann
- Dall Hallberg ’56
- Amy Haines ’79 and Kim House ’77
- Diane ’93 and Richard Halom
- Jeffrey ’80 and Susan Hamar
- Patricia Hamilton ’78 and William Freund
- Dick ’54 and Mary Hamlin
- Betsy Hanisch ’81 and Thomas Sawyer
- Vicki Hansen
- Richard ’57 and Barbara Hanson
- Richard and Jeanmarie Harding
- Sarah ’87 and William Harris
- Scott Harris ’82 and Rosalinda Meza-Harris
- Creston ’67 and Susannah Hart ’67
- Steven ’78 and Debra Hartfield ’80
- Marilyn Hedberg
- Georgia Heffel ’73
- Janet Heimke ’69
- Barbara ’69 and Steven ’70 Hendricks
- Penny ’67 and Frederick Henke
- Kent and Carole Henning
- Donald ’59 and Vivian Herdman ’61
- Lovina Hermanek ’47
- Douglas ’68 and Joyce Herolt ’68
- Thomas Hilger ’64
- Alice and Harold Hintzsche
- Christine ’71 (Burkee) and Richard Hobbs
- Scott ’77 and Jean Hodal
- Gordon ’72 and Elizabeth Hubbs
- Erik Humlie ’77
- Marlys Hurst
- Gregory ’90 and Barbara Huss
- David ’63 and Marilyn Indermuehle
- John ’75 and Mary Jeanmaire
- Gary Jensen ’89
- Kurt Piepenburg ’77 and Kate Jerome
- Dale ’66 and Ardyth Johnson ’66
- Warren ’67 and Donna Johnson
- John ’67 and Mary Johnson
- Richard ’75 and Annette Johnson
- Robert ’61 and Judith Jooss
- Ronald Jung ’62
- Don and Yvonne Kaelber
- Timothy ’74 and Ellen Kartisek ’72
- Diane (Hamm) ’73 and William Katt
- Julio Rivera and Kathleen Kavanagh
- Terrence Keegan ’60
- Virginia Kehl
- Judith Kese ’61
- Walter ’62 and Joann Kilgus ’63
- Alan Kimbrough ’65
- Christine King ’97
- Judy Kirkpatrick ’73
- Carlene Klement ’67
- Charles Knipp ’64
- Thomas and Gina Kline
- Maggie Klingenmeyer Ihde
- Howard Knox
- Cathy Kobs ’79
- Sharon Koelsch ’69
- Joyce Koenitzer ’51
- Shirley Kozak ’51
- Martin Kraemer
- Shari Krezinski-Werve ’84 and Matt Werve
- David ’74 and Brenda Kritser
- Christine Krueger ’71
- LeeAnn Lambrecht-Banks ’76
- Sandra ’66 and John Lang
- Richard Lange ’72
- Thomas Lee ’93
- Thomas ’63 and Martha Lentz
- Jodee ’72 and Gary Liedtke
- Louise Lindeman
- Natividad Lovitt
- Charlotte Lukas ’70
- Mark Lukas ’70
- Larry Maaske ’63
- Gina ’76 Madrigrano-Friebus and William Friebus
- Larry ’79 and Mary (Peggy) Magnesen
- Dennis Magnuson ’63
- Elaine Malzahn
- Maria Markusen ’91 and James Creigh
- Mary Massey ’77 and Bill Holstein
- Thomas ’76 and Nancy Massnick ’76
- Jeffrey ’73 and Donna Matheus ’73
- Dean ’84 and Donna Matthews
- Sharon ’70 and Alex Matusevicius
- Audrey Mayer ’65
- Julie (Rivelli) McDowell ’00
- Guy Meiss ’58
- Brian ’68 and Janet Melin
- Daniel Michalak ’77
- Chris ’71 and Donna Miller
- Margaret Miller ’94 and Wayne Johnson
- Alan ’79 and Sally Mills
- Lucy Brown and Steven Minn
- Melvin Miritz
- Malcolm ’65 and Annette Mitchell
- BettyAnn Mocek ’78 and Adam Walker
- Beverly Moitzfield
- Dennis Monroe ’74 and Nancy Weingartner
- Alan ’80 and Patricia Morgan
- Jolene ’77 and Michael Morris
- Terri Morrissey ’72
- Gloria Mullen
- Diane Muri
- Scott ’75 and Jean Needham ’75
- Carl Nelson
- Noel ’75 and Ellen Niemann
- Harry ’67 and Lois Niese ’69
- Marian Nitz
- Jack Nitz ’56
- Marcia Nolan
- Emil ’61 and Karen Novak
- Betty O’Grady ’55
- Andrea O’Reilly ’79
- John Oboikowitch ’68 and Margaret Calvert
- Diane Olson ’71
- Thomas ’79 and Susan Olson ’79
- Wendell Olson ’60 and Jan Sabol
- Kevin Orlakis ’81
- Eric ’69 and Carol Otterbein
- Doris Ove ’50
- Florence Panning
- Kathleen Panning ’75 and Gary Brandenburg
- Edwin ’65 and Grace Parkhurst ’64
- Henry ’69 and Susan Paul
- John ’69 and Cheryl Peacock ’69
- John Pender
- Robert (Chirs) Peper ’73
- Barbara Petersen ’63
- Clifton and Gladys Peterson
- Timothy ’80 and Eunice Peterson ’80
- Diane ’62 and Walter Piehl
- Kurt Piepenburg ’77 and Kate Jerome
- Thomas ’71 and Jeannie Pierce
- Delores Pihl ’54
- Terry ’70 and Evelyn Pillinger
- Patricia Pixler ’71
- Richard and Brenda Poggendorf
- Gordon ’59 and Jean Postlewaite
- Thomas and Anna Potratz ’71
- Barbara Powers ’65
- Philip ’67 and Karin Pratt ’67
- Paul ’73 and Christine Price
- Michael Prosser ’62
- Catherine Rambo ’55
- Don Rapp ’50
- Marian Rasmussen ’51
- Viola Rasmussen
- Carol Reckmeyer ’49
- Mary Reed Landi Spink ’68
- Kimberly Rehfeldt ’82
- Bradley and Agatha Reiners
- Lynn ’77 and William Reining
- Leonard Rempert ’56
- Theodor ’82 and Victoria Repsholdt
- Charles Reynolds
- Gretchen Ritola ’71
- Julio Rivera and Kathleen Kavanagh
- Andrew Roberts ’11
- Carol ’61 and Terrence Rohr
- David ’76 and Nancy Rosenbalm
- Rev. Daniel Ross-Jones ’06 and Andrew Patton ’10
- Lisa Ross-Miller
- Chris Rossing ’89 and Tracy Rossing ’91
- John Roth ’55
- Al Rother ’64
- Phyllis Rother
- Lawrence Ruegg ’54
- Bruce ’ 63 and Karen Sandelin
- Eleanor Sather
- John ’68 and Linda Satorius
- Paul ’61 and Judith Schacht
- Earl ’70 and Sandra Schafer
- Judith Schaumberg
- Lois Schmidt ’72
- Michael ’68 and Lynne Seago ’67
- John Seal ’72
- Loren Semler ’65
- George ’97 and Sarah Serigos ’95
- Susan ’69 and Michael Shaw
- Curtis ’69 and Pamela Siegel
- John ’65 and Celia Sladek
- Edward ’57 and Alice Smeds ’57
- Dawn Smick ’50
- Louis ’67 and Sara Smith
- Daniel Sorensen ’85
- Jane ’80 (Anderson) Spencer
- Nancy ’69 and Harold Stalf
- Barbara Stamer ’58
- Jonathan ’81 and Barbara Stansfield ’82
- Linda Staubitz
- Kenneth ’71 and Cathleen Stofen ’71
- Alex Stoll ’13
- Jane ’75 and Lester Sturgeon
- John and Cameron Swallow
- Caryl Swanson
- Daniel ’90 and Gail Swift ’91
- Kalen ’79 and James Theusch
- Michael ’72 and Sherry Thomas ’72
- Jean ’88 and John Thur
- David and Polly Timmerman
- Fred Tissot ’84
- Janice TomasekI
- Jack ’68 and Pamela Tootson ’69
- Robert ’59 and Virginia Trendel ’61
- Robert ’81 and Tanya Tuszynski ’82
- Troy ’85 and Janice Tymesen
- Gerald Ugland ’68
- James ’63 and LaRue Unglaube ’64
- Karen Van Lone ’74
- Fred ’76 and Cynthia Vogt ’76
- Ann Wagner Bundgaard
- June ’63 and Ashton Waller
- Carl ’66 and Linda Walter
- Robert ’57 and Beverly Walters
- Elaine Walton ’79
- Donald Wantage
- Marilyn Ward and Erlan Wheeler
- Julie Weber Schultz ’81
- Robin and Nancy Wendt
- Charles Werner
- David ’98 and Heather Wiers
- Anne Wilson ’98
- Darrell ’75 and Karen Willson
- Gary and Lucinda Wilson
- Barbara Woerner ’58
- Earl ’62 and Rosemary Wolf
- James ’78 and Janet Wolfenberg ’79
- Carol Wolff ’47
- Nelson ’76 and Donna Wood
- Margot Woolard ’61
- Donald ’66 and Terri Wruck
- Timothy Yanacheck ’69 and Ann Heaslett
- Dianne Yeoman ’70
- Marion Youngquist
- James ’56 and Corrine Zoellick ’57